Dunbar Garden Receives $10,000 Award for Outdoor Kitchen Classroom

The Dunbar Garden Community Project announced that they are one of two finalists to receive a $10,000 award from the Garden Club of America.

The award comes from Dunbar’s application for the Energy Efficient Outdoor Kitchen Classroom and will continue to help Dunbar Garden broaden their presence throughout the community, focusing on their education initiatives.

Dunbar Garden, located on 1800 South Chester Street,  was created in 1992 with an educational aspect in mind, especially as the space sits adjacent to two schools. Later on, the City of Little Rock entered into a partnership with the garden as well. Today the Garden continues that mission through various educational projects and partnerships.

The full announcement on the award below:

Dunbar Garden is honored to be the recipient of $10,000 as a finalist for The Garden Club of America – Founders Fund Award which was established in 1934 by the first GCA President, Elizabeth Pierce Martin.

 Dunbar Garden has been educating k-8 students in the Central Arkansas region for more than 25 years.

 Dunbar Garden’s application for the Energy Efficient Outdoor Kitchen Classroom was one of two finalists to receive $10,000 as voted by 200 GCA clubs across the country.

 The Garden Club of America and its member club, the Little Rock Garden Club, have been with Dunbar Garden every step of the way.

 The LRGC and the GCA have helped us fund many of our programs and projects that have kept Dunbar Garden growing.

 We are excited to begin work on our Outdoor Kitchen Classroom, which will further broaden our presence throughout our community!

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